Saturday, 20 June 2009

Today i made lunch nearly entirely on the phone. noone wanted to talk to me until i was in the kitchen and then the calls wouldnt stop.. anyway i still managed to make a bowl of great somali spagetti, as follows. chilli, tuna, onion, carrots, oil, pasta, salt and a banana on the side. deeeelicious.

Friday, 19 June 2009

officially hitting walls, 12 shows left, one week and a day.. got up and ten and left the house, was back in bed by 11 and drinking tea.. so exhuasted.. la clique at the hippodrome has been the funnest show ever. i never thought i could do the same show, everyday for years and years like some people do, but now i understand. this is what i am going to do twelve more times:
thanks to paulito for filming, love you like broken brazil nuts in cereal. xmx